Server Rules


Server rules are updated frequently. Change logs are posted on our discord when an update has been made. It is your responsibility as a player to adhere to our rules at all times. Any punishments given can be appealed via a support ticket, however “I didn’t know” will result in your appeal automatically being denied. 



 "[X]" signifies the applied punishment/s 

"+" means punishments stack 

">" means punishments will escalate if the offence is repeated. 

If a faction accumulates 3 strikes, they will be disqualified from winning f-top prizes.


Chat Infractions [Global]

Spam or Spam Encouragement [Warning] > [15 Minute Mute]

  • Repeating the same message or phrase more than 3 times within a short period of time is not allowed.

  • Requesting a mass of players to type in chat is not allowed. Ex. First person to say “spam” gets a crate key!

Chat Language [Warning] > [15 Minute Mute]

  • For our support team to effectively moderate, we enforce only English in chat. Note: This only applies to public chat.

Posting links or IPs [30 Day Mute]

  • Posting links of any kind in game chat is not allowed.

  • Any attempts to advertise other servers is strictly prohibited. 

Doxing [Permanent Ban]

  • Releasing the personal information of another player is unacceptable. This can be as simple as a first name. Note: Even if the information was already publicly known, repeating it will still be punishable. 

Malicious Threats and Related Insinuations [7 Day Mute]

  • Threatening to dox or implying that you have or will.

  • Personal attacks. This includes but is not limited to: death threats, suicide encouragement, denial of service attack, account hacking, swatting, sexual harassment. 

Staff Disrespect [1 Hour Mute]

  • Criticizing a staff member's actions is perfectly acceptable, however personal insults are not. If you wish to express concerns regarding a staff member, you are encouraged to do so in the confidence of a support ticket, not in public chat.

Racism and Bigotry [1 Hour Mute]

  • All players are welcome on our server regardless of race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. Any insinuating slurs will not be tolerated.

Inappropriate Username [Ban Until Changed]

  • Inappropriate usernames, skins, or capes are not allowed. These items must comply with our global chat rules.

Inappropriate Content [1 Hour Mute]

  • Topics regarding rape, pornography, pedophilia or drugs is unacceptable.

Inappropriate Item Names [Removal of Item] > [Permission Removed]

  • Item names must comply with our global chat rules.

Mute Evasion [Ban Equal to Mute]

  • Any attempts to bypass a chat mute will result in your original account being banned as well as any other involving accounts equal to the length of the original punishment. This includes but is not limited to: Renaming items, using faction tags, using an alternate account/s.


Gameplay Infractions [Global]

Cheating [30 Day Ban]

  • Attempting to gain an unfair advantage is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: disallowed clients, external programs, bugs, glitches.

Mass Cheating [Disqualification]

  • If 75% of a faction's members have been banned for cheating during a chapter, that faction will be disqualified. 

Abusing Gameplay Mechanics [7 Day Ban]

  • Abusing gameplay mechanics for their unintended purpose. Ex. Using magic blocks to enclose a warzone.

Outsourced Automation [7 Day Ban]

  • Outside of gameplay mechanics, any sort of automatic work is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: macros, scripts, putting pressure on a key bind. 

  • If you are suspected of automated work, a staff member will attempt to get your attention. Failure to respond will result in punishment.

Server Sabotage [Permanent IP-Ban]

  • Attempting to harm the server in any way will not be tolerated. Examples of sabotage include but are not limited to: lag machines, data exploits, dispensing mass amounts of items, duping.

IRL Transactions [Permanent Ban]

  • Attempting to buy or sell in-game items for real-world currency will result in the corresponding punishment for both parties. 

PVP Teaming [4 Hour Ban]

  • Attempting to team with other players in fights outside of your faction is not allowed globally unless otherwise specified.

Faction Teaming [Strike]

  • Attempting to team with other factions in order to gain an advantage is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: Sharing value, leveraging events, attempting to defend another faction from being raided.

Faction Merging [Warning] > [Disqualification] + [Value Removed]

  • Merging IS allowed during grace. However, after grace period ends factions are expected to have their foundation laid. Attempting to merge after grace period is not allowed.

Tampering [7 Day Ban]

  • Attempting to cover up evidence or forge proof is not allowed. Note: This punishment can also act as an add-on to a root offense if applicable.

Association [1 Day Ban]

  • Blatantly aiding, harboring, defending, or failing to report a cheater will result in punishment.

Ban Evading [Permanent IP-Ban]

  • Attempting to evade a ban will result in the corresponding punishment for both the original account and the evading account.

  • Share accounts at your own risk! In the event that an account is banned, the original account holder will be held responsible.

  • Other accounts that are connected to the same network will also be classified as ban evading, even if proven to be two separate individuals. 

Alting [Warning] > [7 Day Ban]

  • Having more than 3 accounts logged on at once will result in alt accounts receiving the corresponding punishment.

  • Using an alt/s to abuse gameplay mechanics. Will result in punishment for both the alt and the main account. Ex. Logging on additional alts just before a vote party.


Base and Claim Infractions [Global]

Insiding [30 Day Ban]

  • Attempting to steal or vandalize your factions’ property is not allowed.

  • Kicking and killing members of your faction is not allowed.

Base and Buffer Restrictions [Strike] + [Removal]

  • Bases can only be a maximum area of 16 chunks within the same buffer on the same X or Z axis. 

  • Automatic farms (ex. Cactus) may only be a maximum area of 25 chunks. Factions may only have one of these farms. (this does not include manual farms such as sugarcane).

  • Buffers can only contain a maximum of 160 walls per side excluding the base wall.

  • Buffers can only contain a maximum of 12 claims per side. Note: This does not include your base claims.

  • Bases that are on the same X or Z axis must be 100 chunks away from each other if owned by the same faction.

  • Bases must be 20 chunks away from each other if owned by a different faction.

  • Using alt factions to attempt to extend a factions buffer or harbor additional raid claims is not acceptable.

  • Only one raid claim per side per faction is permitted with a maximum area of 16 chunks. Note: This rule is null during a raid attempt. You can claim extra land if needed to attack or defend, but must be unclaimed once the raid is over.

  • The faction that claims the innermost chunk of a corner will own that corner. 

  • Claiming during grace period to prevent a faction from extending their buffer is not allowed. Factions will have 24 hours to remove invasive claims if notified by a staff member to do so.

  • Cheating to acquire a corner will result in the corner being unclaimed and the player punished.

  • Trap claims can only be a maximum area of 16 chunks.

  • Separate trap claims must be at least 5 chunks apart.

  • There may only be 1 corner per faction. If factions manage to claim more then 1 corner, they are not allowed to hold the other ransom.

Disallowed Defenses [Strike] + [Removal]

  • Regen Walls

  • Cobweb Walls

  • Oceans

  • Redstone check boxes

  • Enderchests (exterior)


Raiding Infractions [Global]

Using Multiple Cannons [Strike] + [Cannon Removed]

  • The global speed for cannons is 7 seconds. This is enforced by a plugin. If walls are breached faster then 7 seconds due to exploiting a defensive weakness, then that's at the fault of the faction being raided.

  • Defenses that do not apply to the 7 second rule include sand walls, filters, other untraditional defenses. 

  • Using multiple cannons during the same raid timer is not allowed. The only time a separate cannon can be used is when tunneling or destroying a counter cannon that IS NOT placed inside of the apposing faction's buffer.

TNT Detectors [Disqualification] + [30 Day Leader Ban]

  • If a faction is caught with TNT detectors, they will forfeit all F-top prizes and the leader will be held responsible.

Automated Patching [7 Day Ban] + [Strike] + [Removal]

  • Patching with redstone machines, printer, sand bots, or magic blocks is not allowed while raiding or being raided.

  • Wilderness patching is not allowed. Factions are only prohibited to patch within their own claims.

Protecting Spawners [7 Day Ban] + [Strike] + [Removal]

  • Attempting to protect your spawners while being raided is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: Placing blocks, water, or lava around them.

Self Destruction [7 Day Ban] + [Strike] + [Rollback]

  • Destroying value while being raided to prevent another faction from obtaining the value is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: blowing items up, chunk busting, burning.

Abusing Raid Timers [Strike] + [Raid Timer Canceled]

  • A faction must wait for their first raid timer to expire before starting another raid on a different faction. Raid timers are not allowed to overlap. This does not apply if needing to defend after a raid attempt.

  • Attempting to keep yourself or another faction on a raid timer is unacceptable. 

  • If a raid timer for some reason does not activate, all rules must still be followed. Attempting to take advantage of this will result in the corresponding punishment.

Cannon Boxes [Strike] + [Removal]

  • Cannon boxes can only have a maximum of 5 walls excluding the base wall. Factions cannot patch past this wall.

  • Cannon boxes may only have 1 reverse layer in addition to the cannon boxes’ floor.

Counter Cannons [Strike] + [Removal]

  • Counter cannons can only have a maximum of 10 walls on each side. 

  • If placed inside a factions buffer, the cannon box must only be 10 walls deep from the outermost buffer wall.

  • Factions may only have 1 counter cannon per side. Note: This excludes rudimentary cannons or cannons that do not hammer down.

Disallowed Cannons [7 Day Ban] + [Strike] + [Rollback] + [Removal]

  • Horizontal Nukes

  • Reverse Nukes

  • Push Nukes

  • Mid-Air Stackers

  • Wall removers

  • U-Fusions

  • Auto-Adjusting Cannons

  • Left and Right shooters

  • Worm Cannons

  • Roof cannons

Interference [7 Day Ban] + [Strike] 

  • Interfering in a raid that has not been started by your faction is not allowed.

  • Joining or leaving a faction while raiding or being raided is not allowed.

  • Giving or receiving aid from another faction is not allowed.

Raid Outpost [Discretionary Punishment] + [Forfeit]

  • Factions can claim up to 50 chunks in this world.

  • Any attempts to cheat in order to capture or defend the raid outpost is punishable.

  • Other then the claim limit, all global rules apply.

Allowed Clients

  • Orbit

  • Badlion

  • Falcun

  • LabyMod

  • ReplayMod

  • Feather

  • Essentials

  • Lunar

  • Alpine


Final Notice

If you feel any of the above rules are unclear, you are encouraged to ask for clarification via a support ticket or through a staff member. Depending on the context, attempting to "bend" a rule can still result in punishment.


Last Updated: 2024/5/15